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The release of the Nokia N81 8gb means some serious competition for other mobile phone manufacturers, but is it enough to take the mighty Apple iPhone? This article attempts to answer the question. Who is winning the battle of the multimedia phone of 2008. As we see it there are three manufacturers vying for top spot and these are Nokia, Apple and Sony Eriksson. Who will win is anybody's guess.

Nokia seems to be going 8GBcrazy at the moment. They seem to release the model, then a couple of months later they release an 8GB version. They did this with the Nokia N95 and the Nokia N81, both the latest editions from the Finnish giants. Of course space is of the utmost importance in today's digital age, so much so that 8GB may not even be enough to satisfy the music hungry generation.
The apple iPhone is as slick as would expect from a company that brought you the global phenomenon that is the iPod. The iPod turned around a failing company, making them a powerhouse in terms of electrical gadgets and music companions. Now as they attempt to take on the mobile phone world, some say that they don't understand the market. But would you want to bet against them?
Sony Ericsson had a disappointing 2007, with a loss of market share to Nokia. They have come out fighting with three altogether beautiful handsets. First the Sony Ericsson K850i boasts one of the best camera's to grace a mobile phone. The Sony Ericsson W910i and W960i are both music offerings, but both are solidly built and perform the most fervent tasks admirably. Where Sony Ericsson have a problem is in trying to coax the huge numbers of loyal Nokia fans to switch allegiance. That is no easy task.
So who is winning the battle? As it stands it has to be Nokia. They have increased market share to 40% and have a host of fantastic handsets available. However competition is getting fiercer than ever. Nobody can afford to become complacent.
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